Sep 18, 2015

12 Best and High Paying Google Adsense Alternatives

Agree that Google Adsense is the best and highest paying contextual advertising network in the market and majority of webmasters are monetizing their blog/website via running Google AdSense ads. But, you also know that getting approved in Google Adsense isn’t that easy especially if you are newcomer in blogosphere.

A lot of people even say that getting a loan of $10,000 is easy ,but getting Adsense account is difficult. Even if Google approve you, then you know that they’ve very strict guidelines and if you break any rule by mistake, chances are they will either disable ad serving on your website or will simply ban your Adsense account. Remember, once you get banned, just forget Adsense. They’ll never unban you. In addition there are many people who aren’t satisfied with their Adsense earnings.
But this does not mean you can’t monetize your website without Google AdSense. You need to understand that AdSense is not the end of world, there are many AdSense alternatives through which you can make good money online and maybe even more than with so-called Google AdSense.

Now let’s have a look at Top 11  Best Google Adsense Alternatives for making money online.

1.Affiliate Marketing

For me Affiliate Marketing works best, so that is the main reason why I have put affiliate marketing at number one position in “AdSense Alternatives list”.
In affiliate Marketing, you just need to promote vendor(say XYZ) product or service and when someone (say Mr. A) makes a purchase using your affiliate id, then your vendor will pay you commission. Commission amount depends upon what type of product you are promoting. For instance, commission for Premium WordPress Plugins will be less than Web hosting and WordPress Themes.
Affiliate Marketing,Affiliate matketing vs google adsense, adsense alternatives
How Affiliate Marketing Works?

As long as you are following right tactics, no one can stop you from becoming successful in affiliate marketing. Some of the tactics which you must follow for becoming successful in affiliate marketing are listed below:
  • Choose the Right Affiliate
  • Promote Relevant Products
  • Build Email List
  • Use Banners and write Honest Reviews about Products
  • Keep Calm and Be Patient
Sharesale, Commission Junction, Amazon Associates and ClickBank are some of the best well-known Affiliate Network. So, now what are you waiting for ? Join any of the above mentioned affiliate network and make money from Affiliate Marketing.

2.Direct Advertising

Direct Advertising is yet another popular Google AdSense alternative. Basically in this advertising method, companies directly contact you or you contact them for their product reviews, sponsorship or advertising. As there is a direct contact between you and advertiser, so you don’t have to give any commission to third-party such as Google AdSense, and BuySellAds.
Furthermore, you can set your own terms and conditions and also have full control on your ads. Typically it is seen that blogs which gets direct advertisers constantly are seen as authority in the niche and also build long-term relationships with advertisers.
Direct advertising, Google Adsense alternatives, direct advertising for bloggers,make money online without google adsense
Now, before you approach advertisers directly make sure that you have good traffic, contact us and dedicated advertising page on your blog.

Your advertisement page should have the following information:
  • Why they should advertise on your blog?
  • Available Ad slots with price details and mode of payment
  • Google analytics page views and unique visitor’s p/m.
  • Google PageRank, AlexaRank and Domain Authority
  • Information about your audience and niche.
  • Social media profiles

 3. BuySellAds- Best Adsense Alternative For Bloggers

BuySellAds Aka “BSA” is an advertising marketplace where you can make a huge amount of money by selling advertisement space on your website to advertisers directly. They offer various kind of advertisement unites such as text, image, image+ test, RSS feed and sponsored tweets.

Basically they charge 25% commission on every advertisement i.e. if you will sell advertisement for $500 then your account will be credited by $400 and rest $100 will go to BuySellAds. BuySellAds pays on a Net-15 basis and has a $50 minimum payout threshold. You can select PayPal, check or Wire transfer as payment method.

Honestly speaking you can make more money on BSA than Google Adsense. Now you must be thinking if we can make more money on BuySellAds then Google, then why it is not the best or widely used online advertising network?

The catch is that Getting approved in BSA is very difficult as you need to have quality website with great content, web design, good Alexa rank(less than 20k), PageRank and last, but not the least you need high traffic (50k Unique visits per month).

4. Media.Net-Yahoo Bing Ad Network

Yahoo and Bing have collaborated to form this Contextual Ad network, which is known as It works exactly the same way  as Google Adsense i.e it shows advertisements related to blog content. The best thing about is that they provide dedicated account managers and you can customize the size, color and type (banner or text) of advertisement to be shown on your blog. pays on a Net-30 basis and has a $100 minimum payout threshold. After reaching minimum threshold, you can select PayPal or Wire transfer as payment method.
Getting approved in is tough as right now they are invite only i.e you need to send them invitation request and in addition you also need a good amount of traffic from USA, UK and Canada. Click here to request an invite for publisher account.

5. Infolinks

Infolinks is probably the leading InText Advertisement network in the market. They provide various types of advertisement unit such as Intext, Intag, Inscreen,Infold, Inframe and your conversion rate will be high as their advertisements are based on keywords and key phrases related to your website. In addition you have full control on your ads and can boost your revenue by using Infolinks with any other ad network.
Infolinks best adsense alternative

Getting approved in Infolinks is not a big deal. You just have to follow basic guidelines i.e., your website should be user-friendly & you should not be submitting or promoting adult content, gambling or any kind of illegal stuff on your website.

Infolinks pays on Net 45 basis by Paypal, Western Union, Wire transfer and Bank. Their Minimum payment threshold for Paypal and Bank transfer is $50 and 100$ for Western Union and wire transfer.
Register Here

6. RevenueHits

RevenueHits is another good  Google Adsense alternative. It was founded in  2008, and is  owned and operated by MyAdWise Ltd(Israli Company). RevenueHits is the best network for publishers who want to generate more revenues with state of the art Contextual & Geo targeted Ad Serving technology.
Revenue Hits Review,RevenueHits Adsense alternative

The best thing about RevenueHits is that they provides self-services for publishers and advertisers, where any webmaster can come and get tags and start making money. Similary, advertisers can come and buy very high quality traffic. They pay on Net30 basis via Wire,Paypal and Payonner. Their minimum payment threshold is just $20.

Bottom line – If you want to take your website or blog’s income generation to the next level, you should definitely give RevenueHits a try.

7. Qadabra

Qadabra is one of the best alternatives to Adsense out in the market. Their set-up is really simple. Just copy and paste the ad tag you get on your site and Qadabra begins optimizing your website to display the best ads and maximize your rates. In addition to their optimized ads, the minimum payout is $1, which is the best the market offers. Qadabra offers a variety of rich media ads which is something

Adsense doesn’t. With rich media ads like Stay Ons, Sliders, light boxes & Pop-ups, you can definitely make more money because these types of ads are proven for higher performance. Whats cool with Qadabra is their sign up is really fast and your ads appear immediately so you don’t have to wait while your account gets approved like Adsense.  Try it out and Sign Up Now
Qadabra Review,Qadabra Google adsense alternative

8. Chitika

Chitika is another very useful and widely used Google Adsense Alternative. Their advertisements look similar to Google Adsense and are based on user search engine queries. Like infolinks you have full control on your ads and can use Chitika with any other ad network like Google Adsense.
Getting approved in Chitka is also very easy. Just create an account and put their code on your website. Chitika pays on a Net-30 basis and has a $10 minimum payout threshold for Paypal and $50 for check. A typical Chitika advertisement looks like the following in the image.

9. Adversal

Adversal is another advertising network, which is considered a top Google AdSense Alternative. They provide banner and Pop up advertisments and have very high CPM rates for USA and Canada.  They generally approve application within 3-4 business days, but before submitting your application make sure that you are getting at-least 50k page-views per month.
Adversal pays on Net35 basis via PayPal, Check, Wire and ACH. Their minimum payment threshold for PayPal and Check is$20 and for Wire is $250. To earn extra income you can also join their referral program.

10. VigLink

Viglink is an advertising network which converts normal outgoing links into affiliate links. When someone makes purchases using your affiliate link, then you will receive commission just like a normal affiliate. The best thing is that, Viglink is SEO friendly, reviews websites very quickly and and there’s no minimum payout, but you need to wait at least 60 days to receive payment. They pay only via Paypal.

11. Tribal Fusion:

Tribal Fusion is certainly one advertising network which will never miss you Google Adsense. They’re the highest paying CPM Ad network in the market, but getting approved in TribalFusion is extremely tough. You need to have a minimum of 5,00,000 unique visits per month, professional blog layout, top-level domain and your content should be updated regularly. In other words, we can say TribalFusion is made for big websites. Tribal Fusion pays  55% of revenue to their publishers on Net45 basis. They pay only via Check.

12. Kontera

Kontera is another good alternative to Google Adsense. Like Infolinks, they’re also an In-text advertising network and show advertisements based on important keywords related to your blog post. Kontera is open for both small and big websites/blogs and their CPM rate is quite decent too. Their Minimum payment threshold is $50 and they send payments every 30 days via Paypal, Check and Wire.

So these were some of the best Google Adsense Alternatives, that you can use for making some serious money online. Keep in mind that it’s never a good idea to rely on one source.If you know any other good adsense alternative then please share it with us in the comment section below. If possible do share this with your friends on social media.

1 comment:

  1. In case you are interested in making money from your websites/blogs via popunder advertisments - you can embed one of the most established companies: EroAdvertising.
